The Obama administration blamed the Benghazi attack that killed four Americans, including a United States ambassador, on a poorly produced video trailer about the Islamic prophet, Muhammad.
Did you hear that? It's not the muderers' fault -- it is the fault of the the guy who made the trailer, the man who is now behind bars for making that video. Freedom of speech be damned.
As it turns out, it wasn't a "spontaneous" revolt but rather a pre-meditated terrorist attack on the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 World Trade Center bombings. The interesting part: the White House knew it was a terrorist attack on day ONE.
So one has to ask, why did they keep espousing the attack as a "spontaneous" uprising?
My opinion: They were hoping to use this crisis to implement worldwide blasphemy laws via the United Nations. In other words, they are after our first amendment rights.
Going forward, keep your eyes and ears open for the Organization of the Islamic Conference, in conjunction with Obama administration officials as well as other international elites, to call on the United Nations to enforce blasphemy laws to protect Islam from inflammatory speech.
You see, if we don't talk about Islam -- whether it's the truth or not -- we won't cause deadly tirades in the Middle East.
Although the Muslims and liberals are working side by side to do away with the first amendment, it's for two different reasons: The globalists want a Utopian society (secularist) ruled by ONE centralized government where everyone gets along. To accomplish this, they believe limiting free speech will keep the peace; and Muslims want to use blasphemy laws to "unofficially" enforce Sharia.
Additionally, the FBI still has not made it to the Benghazi crime scene, which is more than likely tainted by now. I smell a cover-up.
I'll leave you with this last thought: Richard Nixon was impeached for lying to the American people, and no one died.
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