I am heading out to Hawaii early tomorrow morning, so I will not be posting for the next several days.
I urge you watch the Oct. 3rd presidential debates and listen closely to the candidates' responses to the questions. There could not be a more stark difference between Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama.
This election will determine the fate of our country, and I do not say that lightly. Socialism or Freedom . . . those are the two choices. Look no further than what is happening in Greece, Spain and Italy to see what happens when a citizenry is dependent upon government for its basic needs.
Capitalism is not perfect, but it is the only form of government that has sustained for more than 200 years. Also note that it's not capitalism that has failed -- it's crony capitalism (really, a form of quasi-socialism) where government manipulates the market, choosing winners and losers, who gets bailouts and who doesn't.
The stock market used to be a gauge on the state of the economy. Not anymore. While Wall Street is doing fairly well, Main Street, or the private sector, is signaling another recession. Both manufacturing and demand for durable goods contracted last week. (Durable goods demand fell by 13.2 percent)
This is bad news -- as these are typically the first signs of a recession.
But the stock market is up. Why? Because they are shielded by government intervention -- via money-printing. THIS is socialism -- not capitalism -- and it's killing our economy.
I leave you with this Bible verse: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children." ~ Hosea 4:6
Get educated, know the truth . . . America's survival depends on it.
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