Remember the old adages, "You are the friends you keep," or "Show me your friends and I'll show your future?"
Remember the importance of vetting our political candidates, which meant delving into their past to uncover conspicuous political leanings or beliefs that run counter to American laws and values?
Well, after a long day of debating back and forth with a good friend, it seems these things don't really matter anymore. And, according to this person, we are to keep an "open mind" to "alternate" views of candidates -- or, in this case, the people with whom candidates surround themselves who don't quite pass the litmus test.
Subject of our political debate: Valerie Jarrett, senior advisor to President Barack Obama.
When I told Jill Doe that Jarrett's journalist father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett, worked closely with Communist Party member and Obama mentor Frank Marshall Davis, she said, "Just because her dad was a communist doesn't mean that she is."
This coming from the same person that used too tell me "You are the friends you keep." So, the president of the free world is not held to the same standards as a nobody such as me? Really?
A little background on Frank Marshall Davis
Frank Marshall Davis was a card-carrying member of Communist Party USA, card number 47544. He was the founding editor of the Communist party publication, the Chicago Star; After that, Davis moved to Hawaii, where he wrote for another Party paper called The Honolulu Record.
In his columns, Davis targeted White House Democrats who opposed Stalin. He trashed Harry Truman, along with the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan. He also despised Winston Churchill, the British politician who saw Hitler for the Jew-hater he really was.
Davis advocated taxpayer-funding of universal health care and subsidizing public works projects. He was also well known for his class rhetoric, bashing Wall Street, the wealthy, corporate executives and profits.
Sound familiar?
His Chicago Star constantly deemed the GOP as the "spare the rich" and "hurt the poor" party.
Again, sound familiar?
It seems this administration espouses the same rhetoric and tactics as FMD, does it not? So, why wouldn't I question Jarrett and her connections to the communist party?
It would defy common sense not to, at the very least, ask questions.
In fact, Davis's communist tactics became so obvious that Senate Democrats in December 1956 called him to Washington to testify. The FBI had a 600-page file on Davis, which revealed that he had been repeatedly retained on the federal government's Security Index. This meant that Davis could be placed under immediate arrest if a war broke out between the United States and Soviet Union.
This, my friends, is the man to whom Obama refers as his mentor in his book, "Dreams from My Father." Every single reference to "Frank" has since been purged from the abridged audio version of the book. Why?
This information on Frank Marshall Davis is well documented. Just do a Google search, and/or read Paul Kengor's book, The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis, the untold story of Barack Obama's mentor.
The story is untold because the media chose not to tell it. It's all out there, all you have to do is look.
Back to Jarrett
Jarrett, born in Iran and named "Iranian of the Year" in 2008 by, personally vetted Obama's former green jobs czar, Van Jones, who was heavily associated with Marxist groups in the 1990s and is a 9/11 "truther" -- his name having appeared on petitions at
She has had close ties with the Obamas since their early days in Chicago. Jarrett not only has communist contacts, but is also the point man at Administration meetings with Muslim activists. This is also alarming, given the increased influence of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States.
Additionally, it has been reported that Jarrett provided substantial financial backing to Barack Obama's national profile.
Now, with all of that said, are you comfortable with this president serving another four years? Is your mind 'open' to a second term of Barack Obama?
Do your own research -- and decide.
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