Tonight is the third and final presidential debate between President Barack Obama and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.
Moderated by CBS's Bob Scheiffer, tonight's debate will focus mostly on foreign policy, which has turned out to be a disaster for Obama.
And here's why:
In 2009, shortly after being inaugurated as President of the United States, Obama went on, what some have dubbed, a "Middle East apology tour;" and a few months after that, he gave a speech in Cairo, Egypt, titled "A New Beginning."
His goal was to "reset" American relations with the Middle East.
Sounds commendable, but the only problem was Obama could not help himself from insulting Israel, our biggest ally in the Middle East and the only Democratic state where citizens live as a free people -- Muslims and Jews alike. (In Muslim nations, non-Muslims live as second class citizens under Sharia law.)
In 2011, Obama publicly called for Israel to go back to the indefensible 1967 borders. Israel has already tried that. It didn't work because their Muslim neighbors like to launch surprise attacks on the small Jewish state, which is currently the size of New Jersey. Obama disregards the facts for a policy that favors the Palestinians.
During the Arab Spring, Obama helped overthrow Mubarak in Egypt as well as Qaddafi in Libya. The Muslim Brotherhood now controls Egypt and Al Qaeda is making significant inroads in Libya. The Muslim Brotherhood is in the process of implementing Sharia law in Egypt. In fact, Egyptian President Muhommod Morsi is on video calling for the destruction of all Jews, starting with Israel.
Obama, along with the corrupt Attorney General Eric Holder, attempted to try those responsible for 9/11 in a New York City civil court, instead of a military tribunal, just blocks from where nearly 3,000 innocent Americans were murdered.
Then who can forget the two microphone gaffes: One when Obama offered Russia "more flexibility" after his re-election in November; and the other when he was caught bad mouthing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to France's interior minister, saying, "How do you think I feel, I have to deal with him [Netanyahu] every day."
Or the leaked national security secrets and intelligence about the bin Laden raid, putting our special forces in harms way;
Or labeling the shooting by Muslims at an Arkansas military base that killed two soldiers a "drive by;"
Or labeling the Fort Hood shooting as "workplace violence," despite evidence revealing the shooter, Nidal Hassan, had been communicating with Al Qeada and was yelling "Allahu Akbar" while shooting our soldiers. (Hassan is still collecting $6,000/mo., while the families of the victims get nothing.)
Or Obama turning down a meeting with Israel's Netanyahu last month because he was "too busy." He did have time to appear on Letterman, however;
Or, the fact that the Benghazi attack was not officially a "terrorist attack" for two weeks. Yes, Obama used the word "terror" in the Rose Garden, but the act was not officially declared a terrorist attack for nearly 20 days. In fact, here's what he said in the Rose Garden: “No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation”
And then this week, The New York Times reports that Iran and the United States are in private negotiations regarding the Iran's nuclear initiatives. When Netanyahu got word of these reports, he said in the Jerusalem Post, "Israel does not know anything about these contacts and I can't confirm if they've actually taken place."
Both the Obama administration and Iran are now denying these reports. Sounds like more national security leaks to me.
So what does all of this mean?
It means we have emboldened our enemies and that the world is a much more dangerous place because of it.
What Romney should do tonight, in my opinion.
Tonight, Romney must make it clear who America's allies are. He must also articulate what he would've done differently in regards to the Arab Spring as well as the terrorist attack in Benghazi.
He must also address the issue of just when Benghazi was officially declared by the Obama administration as a terrorist attack. The media is now attempting to re-write history in reporting that the Obama administration did in fact declare the Benghazi raid a "terrorist " attack, because Obama used the phrase "act of terror" in the Rose Garden on Sept. 12.
Conveniently forgotten is the anti-Muslim video, which Susan Rice, US Ambassador to the United Nations, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney and President Obama publicly said prompted these attacks.
Obama did his "blame game" on "The View." He also mentioned the video six times while addressing the international community at the United Nations in September.
Romney should recount the terrorist attacks that have transpired in Libya, going back to as early as June, leading up to 9/11; and he should inform the American people of each email request -- and there are multiple -- by the CIA and Ambassador Stevens to the state department for more security in Libya.
The last request by Ambassador Stevens was sent the day before he died.
There are now reports that a U.S. drone was capturing everything as it unfolded at the Benghazi consulate -- giving the administration real-time knowledge of the attack. Why wasn't the Obama administration and/or State Department scrambling to protect its people? And why, with this knowledge, would they come out blaming the attacks on a video?
Romney should also call out Obama on the number of Muslim Brotherhood-linked people who have been appointed by this administration to the highest levels of the U.S. government including the FBI and the State Department.
All of that said . . .
Obama must be grilled tonight so that the American people see just how dangerous this administration is.
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