Lightning strikes Vatican on Feb. 12, hours after Papal resignation
Many in the conservative Christian and Jewish communities are anxious over who will succeed Pope Benedict XVI as the next Catholic Pope – and for good reason.
According to a Feb. 19 article at the Gateway Institute website by Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz, among those being considered for the Papacy is Cardinal Andres Rodriguez Maradiago of Honduras, a notorious anti-Semite whose photograph was recently featured, along with other candidates, on the front page of the Miami Herald.
Supposedly, Maradiago believes that “the Jews” are responsible for the scandal surrounding the sexual misconduct by priests toward young parishioners.
Maradiaga’s logic, according to the Gateway Institute article:
He begins by asserting that the Vatican is anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian (as he says it should be). It follows, therefore, that "the Jews" had to get even with the Catholic Church, while at the same time deflecting attention away from Israeli injustices against the Palestinians. The Jews managed to do this by arranging for the media - which he says they control - to give disproportionate attention on the Vatican sex scandal.
Hershwitz said Maradiago is very popular in Honduras and was recently invited to speak to Latino Catholics in the United States. Maradiaga also made this statement:
"It certainly makes me think that in a moment in which all the attention of the mass media was focused on the Middle East, all the many injustices done against the Palestinian people, the print media and the TV in the United States became obsessed with sexual scandals that happened 40 years ago, 30 years ago."
“because they are protagonists of what I do not hesitate to define as a persecution against The Church."
Laura Ingram, a devout Catholic and Fox News contributor, said on Feb. 28 on Bill O'Reilly, that the Catholic church is still paying for sins she committed 30 or40 years ago.
But she also pointed out the numerous services the church provides around the world that the media refuses to recognize including children's homes, adoption services, homeless shelters, food kitchens, high quality private schools and various other charities that support local communities.
Does the media jump at the opportunity to report negatively on the Catholic church, while dismissing the church's positive attributes? Absolutely. Is this a Jewish conspiracy against the Catholic church. No.
It is secularism vs. conservatism. Secularists despise Christianity because they don't like moral codes. They believe all paths lead to heaven regardless of faith or how a person lives his or her life.
To put it simply: It is a war against Christianity, and the Catholic church bares the brunt because it is the largest Christian denomination in the world.
Maradiago's world view is also very similar to how the world community (European Union and United Nations) today treats the tiny state of Israel – blaming Israel for human rights violations and labeling it as an apartheid state, while conveniently disregarding the hundreds and/or thousands of rockets launched into Israel by Hamas each and every month.
Other historical facts the world community and, evidently, prestigious Christian entities choose to ignore:
- Rarely ever mentioned are the estimated 800,000 Jewish refugees who were dispersed due to Arab/Israeli conflict. Between 1949 and 1954, Jews were forced to flee from Arab and Muslim lands where they had lived for thousands of years - from Iraq, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan and Iran, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, and other Muslim countries. They were forced to flee at gunpoint with nothing but the clothes on their backs.
- Israel welcomed the Jewish refugees and helped them integrate into the tiny fledgling society. On the contrary, the Arab states (much larger than Israel) refused to do the same for their own Arab refugees and, to this day, the Palestinian Authority uses these refugees as a propaganda tool to turn the West against Israel.
- In 2010, the Israeli government surveyed Arabs - mostly Muslims -- living in the disputed territories. 97 percent of them said they preferred the Israeli government over the Palestinian Authority. Netanyahu kept this survey private to prevent names from being leaked to Muslim terrorists who have no qualms of killing their own if they feel Islam has been betrayed.
- Currently, Israel is comparable in size to the state of New Jersey. If Israel goes back to the suggested pre-1967 borders, the nation will be all but seven miles wide - leaving the tourist city of Tel Aviv as well as the major Israeli airport within bombing distance. In fact, Israel would have less than 30 seconds to intercept a missile headed for its major airport.
Dershowitz went on to say that the Catholic church believes Jerusalem should be the capital of the three great monotheistic religions – Christianity, Islam and Judaism, thus not accepting Jerusalem as the indivisible capital of the State of Israel.
This is similar to what the United Nations and the EU Quartet, headed by Tony Blair, aspire for the future of Jerusalem. They believe this is the solution for peace in the Middle East.
Nothing could be more wrong.
The book of Daniel speaks of a time when Jerusalem will be divided and that a false prophet will bless the agreement (treaty). More than likely, Jerusalem will be internationalized by the United Nations and possibly have the blessing of a prestigious religious leader.
Here's what God has to say to those who divide His land:
"I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land." ~ Joel 3:2
First, if what Dershowitz says is true of the Catholic church, then I must respectfully reject this theological teaching, as it clearly runs counter to God’s promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3:
"Now the Lord had said to Abram: 'Get out of your country, from your family and from your father's house, to the land that I will show you. 2 I will make you a nation; I will bless you and make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him that curses you. And in you all of the families of the earth shall be blessed."
In fact, Arabs are the offspring of Ishmael, the illegitimate child of Abraham and his hand-maiden, Hagar. (Of course, many Arabs are our Christian brothers and sisters through our faith in Christ.)
Troubled by her barrenness, Sarah, Abraham's wife, permitted Abraham to have a child with Hagar.
God was upset with Abraham and Sarah for not trusting Him for a child (Sarah was in her 90s when she finally conceived), so God told Abraham to put Hagar and Ishmael out, which was hard on Abraham. But it had to be done because Hagar was growing increasingly jealous and envious of Sarah.
God promised Abraham that Ishmael would have many lands, but that his descendants would become wild and would be a "thorn" in the Jews' side until the time of the end.
We can see this scenario playing out to this day. To ignore these simple Biblical truths is either pure ignorance or willful denial of the facts.
It will be an all-out rebellion against God when Jerusalem is divided to appease those He calls Israel's enemies over and over again throughout the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. It is not a question of if Jerusalem will be divided, it is the question of when.
It will be an all-out rebellion against God when Jerusalem is divided to appease those He calls Israel's enemies over and over again throughout the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. It is not a question of if Jerusalem will be divided, it is the question of when.
Islam’s goal is to implement a worldwide caliphate where Islamic Sharia law trumps any other form of law.
The ultimate command by Allah, Islam's God, is to rid the entire world of Jews. I highly doubt that the God of Abraham would command the slaughter of His chosen race. It just defies common sense.
Additionally, Muslim leaders believe that world chaos, coupled with war with the Jews, will prompt the return of their Messiah, known in Islam as the Mahdi. The Mahdi will bring peace to earth by killing all of the Jews and converting everyone else to Islam.
Additionally, Muslim leaders believe that world chaos, coupled with war with the Jews, will prompt the return of their Messiah, known in Islam as the Mahdi. The Mahdi will bring peace to earth by killing all of the Jews and converting everyone else to Islam.
If Catholic leadership believes that Muslims are willing to share Jerusalem with Christians and Jews, then they are truly naive to Islamic ideology as well as the life of its murderous prophet, Muhammad.
I suggest they read the Koran and, while they are at it, a little world history as to what happens when you become tolerant of evil (i.e., the complacency of both the protestant and Catholic churches of Nazi Germany).
Another fact that has been lost in progressive/liberal revisionist history: The Muslim Mufti Haj Muhummad Amin al-Husseinei conspired with Hitler on how to exterminate the Jews. There was even a Caucasian Mohommedan divison of the Nazi SS.
Liberation Theology: Cardinal Maradiago and his Latin American roots
The Mufti Haj Muhummad Amin al-Husseinei and Hitler
Liberation Theology: Cardinal Maradiago and his Latin American roots
The fact that Maradiago is from Latin America also stood out to me, because it is the Latin American Catholic church that birthed the Liberation Theology political movement, which interprets the teachings of Jesus Christ in relation to liberation from unjust economic, political or social conditions.
Liberation theologists blame poverty on unjust economics (i.e., Capitalism) and oppression by society's more well-to-do (you know, the one percent). They seek to "even the playing field" through distribution of wealth policies.
In other words, this theology promotes Socialism. This teaching is widely popular in African American churches as well as Latin American churches across the United States. It has also seeped into traditional protestant congregations. Liberation theologists blame poverty on unjust economics (i.e., Capitalism) and oppression by society's more well-to-do (you know, the one percent). They seek to "even the playing field" through distribution of wealth policies.
Wonder why so many American Christians claim that Jesus was a Socialist? Well, now you have your answer.
Some detractors have even labeled Liberation Theology as “Christianized Marxism.” I'd have to agree since, like Marxists, they use the poor and perpetual manufactured crisis to advance a political and/or theological agenda.
Islam utilizes Marxist techniques to advance its cause, as well. I guess that is why today's Democratic party and radical Islamic groups in America have linked arms. After all, the popular Marxist adage is: "The End Justifies the Means."
Or, in layman's terms, liberals and Islamists will tolerate each other -- for now -- to bring about social change in America.
Or, in layman's terms, liberals and Islamists will tolerate each other -- for now -- to bring about social change in America.
Another important note: Despite his direct attack on the church early in 2012, Barack Obama walked away with 52 percent of the Catholic vote. Additionally, nearly half of protestants did not even bother to cast a vote in the 2012 election.
Replacement Theology
In my opinion, Maradiago also adheres to something called Replacement Theology, a belief that the New Covenant (the Church) supersedes the physical covenant God made with Abraham and his descendants (the Jews).
Replacement Theology
In my opinion, Maradiago also adheres to something called Replacement Theology, a belief that the New Covenant (the Church) supersedes the physical covenant God made with Abraham and his descendants (the Jews).
I believe it is this man-made revisionist theology that has distorted God's true word, dividing Christians and blinding those who hold to these beliefs to the times in which we live.
The disciples were concerned about their people (the Jews) and inquired about this very issue in Romans 11.
1 “I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.” ~ Romans 11:1
11 “I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall, salvation has come to the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy.” ~ Romans 11:11
28 "As concerning the gospel, they (the Jews) are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they (the Jews) are beloved for the fathers sakes (referring to God’s promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob). 30 “For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their (the Jews) unbelief: 31 Even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy.” ~ Romans 11:28
To paraphrase, it is because of the Jews’ unbelief that we, the Gentiles, received salvation; On the other hand, our mercy to the Jews will enable God to keep His promise to the Jewish forefathers (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) that all of physical Israel should be saved – accepting Christ as their Messiah prophesied by the prophet Isaiah.
Think about that: This was God’s miraculous plan to reconcile the entire world to Him, both Jew and Gentile. This is why God said He has already conquered the world, as salvation is available to anyone who seeks Jesus Christ -- the rock on which the Church (the New Jerusalem) is built.
Formed by man, both Replacement Theology and Liberation Theology signify pure arrogance and, unfortunately, these false teachings are prevalent in many Christian churches today, both Catholic and protestant.
God says that many of the end-time churches will abandon their first love to comply to worldly ways (i.e, the acceptance of homosexuality) as well as to escape political backlash (i.e., hostility towards the state of Israel).
Our first love is Jesus Christ and the truth He brings via the Word of God. We are to stand on this truth with boldness.
Revelation 18:4, God's message to the end-time apostate church:
"Then I heard another voice from heaven say: "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues;"In my opinion, abandoning the Jewish roots of the Christian faith will deem some churches deserving of the plagues that God will cast on the end-time church. Those false prophets who actively participate in the dividing of Jerusalem, I believe, will also be judged.
"Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. 3 And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut into pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it." ~ Zachariah 12:2,3
The Whore of Revelation
The book of Revelation discusses a "whore" who is riding a beast. Although this description is somewhat allegorical, God meant for these end-time metaphors to be understood -- not dismissed, as many Christians have done.
God refers to the Church as a woman, His bride; In Revelation, He calls her a whore due to her apostate status. Throughout the Bible, the word beast signifies large, tyrannical governments that persecute His people and rob the citizens of the fruits of their labor (i.e., Babylon, Greece, Medio-Persia and Rome).
Note: There is only one prophesied world government left, and I believe it is forming right before our eyes. It will involve a revived Rome, which leads most end-time experts to believe that the EU as well as the United Nations will play a big role in this government, with Germany leading the charge (the Leopard).
According to my research, Islam will more than likely play a significant role, as well.
The beast in Revelation is the last world government just prior to Christ's return that will persecute Christians and Jews; the "whore" is God’s explanation of the apostate end-time church who sacrifices her principles (and her people) by fornicating with the beast, aka the world government, for world approval and political gain.
"The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries." ~ Revelation 17:4
Stay tuned, because I think we’re getting ready to see these things play out.
The Coming of Christ
God says His Word isn't to confuse us, but to provide us with knowledge through the prophets about our future, so that we may be prepared for His coming. God said He gave us prophecy as a "gift."
This gift should not be feared, ignored or written off altogether as "allegorical." We should accept this gift joyfully and utilize it to prepare our friends and families for that wonderful day.
Jesus says in Matthew 24 that there is no way to know the exact day or hour of His return. However, we are commanded to know the season of His return.
Some of the seasonal signs are mentioned in Luke including wars and rumors of wars, rampant sexual immorality, widespread political corruption, human apathy and arrogance, advancement in technology, earthquakes in unusual places and inclement weather patterns -- all of which will increase with intensity as His coming grows nearer.
One of the major signs of the times was the reformation of the nation of Israel in 1947; another significant sign will be the division of Jerusalem, which will launch the final years of the rule of man. It is this event that I believe is right around the corner.
Human = Evil:
Church leaders are human and, according to God's word, humans are inherently evil. And, yes, that can mean Popes, priests, pastors and Cardinals. God also says that Church leaders are not to be exalted above the people, which means "we the people" are permitted to question the authority of the Church.
This gift should not be feared, ignored or written off altogether as "allegorical." We should accept this gift joyfully and utilize it to prepare our friends and families for that wonderful day.
Jesus says in Matthew 24 that there is no way to know the exact day or hour of His return. However, we are commanded to know the season of His return.
Some of the seasonal signs are mentioned in Luke including wars and rumors of wars, rampant sexual immorality, widespread political corruption, human apathy and arrogance, advancement in technology, earthquakes in unusual places and inclement weather patterns -- all of which will increase with intensity as His coming grows nearer.
One of the major signs of the times was the reformation of the nation of Israel in 1947; another significant sign will be the division of Jerusalem, which will launch the final years of the rule of man. It is this event that I believe is right around the corner.
Human = Evil:
Church leaders are human and, according to God's word, humans are inherently evil. And, yes, that can mean Popes, priests, pastors and Cardinals. God also says that Church leaders are not to be exalted above the people, which means "we the people" are permitted to question the authority of the Church.
We should never sacrifice our salvation by choosing our religion over Biblical truth. The Christian faith is much more than religion -- it is a personal relationship with Christ. We receive grace through faith -- not works.
"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast." ~ Ephesians 2:8,9
This daily relationship with Christ spawns a supernatural, inside-out transformation that enables believers to bare good fruit, as "faith without works is dead." ~ James 2:14-26
The Jewish Pharisees had a religion. If God wanted us to have religion, He would've instructed us to convert to Judaism instead of sending us Jesus.
I believe these man-made theories have handicapped many Christians' ability to discern what is transpiring in the world, leaving them confused and even frustrated. This also, I believe, is skewing Christians' judgement when it comes to choosing the most appropriate political leaders. (We are commanded to elect Godly men to rule over us.)
We're living in a time of great deceit -- from politics to the pulpits.
Be a "watchman," and stay alert.
Be a "watchman," and stay alert.
To read Hershowitz’s full article, click here:
Another good read is the article about the "Prophecy of the Popes" by St. Malachy. Although I do not adhere to any prophecies outside of what is in the Bible, it is interesting (and eerily accurate) nonetheless.
To read more about what St. Malachy had to say about the end-time Pope, also known as "Petrus Romanus," click here:
Another good read is the article about the "Prophecy of the Popes" by St. Malachy. Although I do not adhere to any prophecies outside of what is in the Bible, it is interesting (and eerily accurate) nonetheless.
To read more about what St. Malachy had to say about the end-time Pope, also known as "Petrus Romanus," click here:
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