My thoughts on yesterday's Washington Naval Yard shooting

I have been pondering a few things since yesterday's mass shooting at the Washington Naval Yard and thought I would share my thoughts. I don't usually get too personal on my blog, but yesterday's tragedy has pushed me to do so.

There are two things that are troubling me: 1) The pure evil that is currently sweeping our nation; and 2) how the editorial writers and media talking heads as well as politicians and "mental health" experts come out the following day with the so-called "solutions."

These "solutions" always tend to point to more gun laws and regulations or more taxpayer money for state-funded mental health facilities. There is also the other tired debate over violent video games.

I don't know about you -- but those debates are getting old. When we can predict exactly what the news will be the next day, it's really not news anymore. It is pure propaganda, a ripe opportunity to convince vulnerable voters to give up more of their freedoms and more of their money in return for the illusion of more security (and, yes, it is an illusion. Seriously, do you see things getting better -- or worse?).

Do you actually believe that throwing more money at government-funded health centers will do any good? When government money is involved, those at the top are the ones taking home six figure salaries, while those at the bottom - the ones actually charged with caring for these troubled minds -- settle for mere crumbs.

Both our education system and Department of Health and Human Services is set up this way, as well. Think about it: school teachers make nothing compared to what the administrators take home annually, and it is the school teachers who are responsible for ensuring our children are prepared for the future. And don't even get me started on a social worker's annual salary. It is pretty pathetic.

And regarding gun laws: the numbers just don't coincide with the Democrats' message of "fewer guns = less crime." The most poverty-stricken and crime-ridden cities in America are Democrat-run cities with the strictest gun laws (i.e., Detroit, East and North St. Louis, Washington, D.C., Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, etc.).

Something that is rarely ever discussed is the moral decay and implosion of American society. Reminds me a lot of the collapse of Rome. Like most empires, America is dying a slow death -- rotting from the inside out.

We've removed God from every aspect of society -- from the schools, from the military, from our government and public buildings, etc. Then we wonder why people are shooting people, committing suicide at ever-increasing rates and are . . . well, hopeless.

If we don't have something bigger than ourselves to live for or to whom to answer when it is all said and done -- then what's the point?

I'm not going expand any further, as I am pretty sure you know where this is heading. Instead, I will leave you with this scripture:
But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear. ~Isaiah 59:2 
