In today's news conference regarding the so-called compromise that ended the 16-day government shutdown, President Obama said:
And now that the government has reopened and this threat to our economy is removed, all of us need to stop focusing on the lobbyists, and the bloggers, and the talking heads on radio and the professional activists who profit from conflict, and focus on what the majority of Americans sent us here to do, and that's grow this economy, create good jobs, strengthen the middle class, educate our kids, lay the foundation for broad-based prosperity and get our fiscal house in order for the long haul. That's why we're here. [Emphasis mine]Oh really, Mr. President . . . the American people shouldn't listen to the likes of bloggers and grassroots activists who are suffering at the hands of your failing policies? Are you suggesting that they continue to listen to media outlets such as MSNBC, CBS, ABC and CNN as well as the New York Times, Washington Post and most other newspapers around the country that promote your policies and mask the harmful consequences of big government?
Sure you are, since you'd prefer an America populace in the dark, while you transform this beautiful country into a socialist hell-hole. Do you fear the American grassroots bloggers so much that you had to call them out at today's White House press briefing?
Sure you do -- because it is they who are discussing issues the mainstream press refuse to touch. It is they who are "getting the word out" on your failed policies and numerous scandals plaguing your administration including:
- Benghazi (smuggling weapons through Benghazi and Turkey into Syria to arm Al Qaeda terrorists who are, in turn, killing Christians and Israeli Jews.)
- the IRS targeting of conservative and religious groups (Jewish and Christian)
- Your avid support of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
- Fast and Furious gun-running to Mexican drug lords
- The targeting by the Department of Justice of Associated Press and Fox News reporters to intimidate them into revealing their sources (aka, whistle blowers)
- Your habit of appointing Muslim Brotherhood-linked people to places of authority within Homeland Security, FBI and CIA
- Your Common Core curriculum that is brainwashing our children to love big government and hate personal responsibility and individual liberty; CC that is also data mining personal information of our children as well as their parents (i.e., their political and religious affiliations)
The truth is, you fear the American people as do most of the media that are finding themselves more irrelevant each day they carry water for you and your administration.
Have you seen the ratings of your beloved MSNBC lately? Or the dwindling circulation at the Grey Lady, also known as the New York Times -- home of Nobel Peace Prize winner and Keynesian economist Paul Krugman, who has an editorial propaganda pulpit to promote propping up Wall Street with more and more money-printing on the backs of middle class taxpayers?
These media outlets blame their decline on the "rise of the Internet" and "online advertising." And to a point, I agree. But it goes deeper than that. You see, these once iconic news operations are being left in the dust because they have strayed too far to the left, away from the issues average Americans deal with every day including rising healthcare costs and job loss due to your signature "affordable healthcare plan," among other regulations.
Because of your speech today, I am even more emboldened to blog and to speak out. I am going to do everything in my power in my small corner of this country to help conservatives take the House and Senate in 2014.
I will donate; I will blog; I will Facebook; I will join conservative groups within my community to educate the American people about how radical and self-serving you and your allies (including the pathetic mass media) really are. Heck, I might even "tweet."
People will have to "delete" or "hide" me to get rid of me. And that's okay because all it means is, as Jack Nicholson said in a "Few Good Men" -- they can't handle the truth!
Oh, and to your statement about the "threat of the economy being removed" because big government is up and running again. I call hogwash on that. YOU, your administration and all of the Obamatons (those who pledge blind allegiance and/or conformity to big government) are the threat to this economy as well as our freedoms.
In case you don't remember, Mr. President, we are $17 TRILLION in debt. Do you really think the American people believe that last night's "compromise" saved us from an economic catastrophe? Maybe your Obamatons will buy that . . . but common sense Americans with half a brain -- not a chance in hell they bought that line.
Here are some cold hard facts about Obamacare bundled into a nice multi-colored chart: via Zero Hedge:
That's right. Only 36,000 have completed enrollment in the new Affordable Healthcare Act. It is a disaster, so much so that IT professionals across the country are saying this thing may not even be ready in a year. I have heard some IT experts say they can't believe this was allowed to move forward and that high schoolers could have done a better job than the CANADIAN-based company the Obama Administration chose to develop this website.
So while newspaper editors are yelling from their propaganda pulpits how shameful it is for certain states not to "expand medicare" via these exchanges -- those who go elsewhere for their news will know the truth as to why these states "just said no."
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