A line in the sand


As I watch the media fiasco unfold regarding Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson and his interview with GQ, I can't help but wonder what God's message is in this, and if we -- in all of the politically charged back-and forth -- are missing it.

So at 7:30 this morning I started thinking: What is God, who is sovereign over everything that transpires in this world, trying to tell us?

And then it came to me: "A line in the sand."

Homosexuality, along with a few other world issues, I believe, is going to be one of the "lines in the sand" that will separate the believers from non-believers or, as God's word puts it -- the sheep from the goats.

According to His word, the sheep are lead by a certain shepard, known as Jesus. The sheep hear His voice and cling to His truth via the Word -- regardless of  what those around them are saying. Guided by His voice, they constantly strive to live according to the Shepard's ways and desires.

The goats, on the other hand, rely on their own thinking, creating God into their own image, of who they "think" He should be. While many times well intentioned, the goats are led astray, either seduced by the ways of the world or afraid to stand on truth in fear of backlash from the world.

For now, Christians in America can get by on being "neutral." But I believe a time is quickly approaching that we Christians, no matter who or where you are, will be forced to take a stand on a variety of controversies that are reaching a boiling point around the world.

This is the message I believe God is sending to us today: Prepare, because times are about to get really tough for Christians who proclaim God's word as absolute truth -- especially regarding topics such as homosexuality, abortion, the natural rights of Jews to their homeland (Israel), and the exclusivity of salvation through Christ ONLY.

Be prepared to lose your job; be prepared to be mocked and jailed; be prepared to lose your business or even your church; be prepared for friends and family members to neglect and mock you for your beliefs.

It comes with the territory. If you don't believe me, go back and read the New Testament and how Jesus and His disciples were treated by society -- both during Jesus' life on earth and after His death on the cross. The persecution continues to this day and, prophetically speaking, it will get worse before it gets better.

All of that said, let's get back to Phil Robertson.

I don't watch Duck Dynasty, but I have decided to boycott A&E.

The GQ reporter to whom he made the so-called "anti-gay" remarks specifically asked Robertson where he stood on gay marriage. Anyone familiar with the Duck Dynasty cast knows they are believers and are quite open about it. 

Unsurprisingly, Robertson responded to GQ with a biblical answer and backed it up with scripture. This reporter, I believe, knew the answer he/she would be given. It was a set-up.

Additionally, Robertson pointed out that although he does not support homosexuality, he loves all humankind and would never mistreat someone because of the lifestyle. That is what being Christian is about. You are to claim the truth, while still loving everyone. Jesus hated the sin, but LOVED the sinner dearly.

It was also recently reported that A&E producers ordered the Duck Dynasty crew to stop praying in "Jesus name" when closing out prayer over meals. The reason given: It might offend someone, especially Muslims. 

Romans 1:25-28 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. 
Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.  In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. [Emphasis mine]
Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.
We can only wallow in our sin or wrong-minded beliefs for so long before they become OUR truth.

My "finding Jesus moment"

I want to point out that, a few years ago, I was offended by scripture and viewed the world very differently than I do today -- while claiming to be a Christian. Well, I found the Lord and He revealed to me how wrong I was in my thinking and the impact that this "wrong thinking" would've had on my salvation.

He showed me that I can't have it both ways. I can't have one foot in the world and the other in His word because the two contradict each other.
Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."

If you're offended by scripture, or by someone who is citing scripture, then it is you who needs to get on your knees in prayer and ask God to guide you to truth in your thinking.

In today's world, with a lifestyle that has become so widely accepted, it is hard in our thinking to understand how or why the gay lifestyle is wrong. But we must not lean on our thinking, but trust God in His wisdom.

My former understanding was that the homosexual lifestyle was natural and that it was the "intolerant" Christians who needed to adapt to the changing culture -- not the other way around. But God said His word never changes and that we are to adapt to Him and His ways. God does not tolerate perpetual sin without repentence, especially sin He refers to as an "abomination."

Get mad, stomp around, yell all you want at what I just said. I did. And in all honesty, stomping and yelling didn't get me anywhere. It was through prayer that I saw my sin, which brought me to my knees.

Shortly thereafter, the spirit began changing everything about my life -- from my political beliefs, to my belief of who God is, to how I spend my free time, to where I live, to the church I would attend.

Because God is God, His ways rule -- not mine. And until you are able to submit to Him and His ways, you're lost on the "wide path,"  if you know what I mean.

Despite what the secular humanist world believes, we humans are not Gods and therefore are not in charge of our own destiny. God is.

Today's common meme is that everyone goes to heaven, or is reincarnated over and over again until we get it right - then we enter "the light" (heaven). That teaching or belief system could not be more wrong and runs counter to everything the Lord has taught since the beginning of time. In fact, according to God, this belief system is known as "paganism," which is practiced by the "heathen." (Not my words. His words.)

What we think, in the end, won't matter.  His ways are just and pure; we are human and prone to sin for which we need a redeemer, which is why we have Jesus.

In closing

God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for rampant homosexuality. He did it again via a flood during the days of Noah. Not only is homosexuality one of the few sins in the Bible that God/Jesus refers to as an "abomination," but it is also the only sin over which God destroyed entire cities.

This tells me that this issue is extremely serious in God's eyes and we Christians, although called to love everyone, cannot be lukewarm or accepting of this lifestyle.

He said homosexual behavior would flourish again and be widely accepted by society (even by those who claim to be Christians). But He warns His people to be wise and not fall into this end-day deceit.

"As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man." Matthew 24:37
"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. 'So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth." Revelation 15, 16 to the church in Laodicea, which resembles many of our churches today.  
Do what Jesus did: love - but stand strong on truth. That's what we Christians are called to do. That's what Jesus' apostles were called to do, and they suffered for it.

For standing on truth, God said, His people would be mocked, slandered, jailed, beaten and killed -- especially in the end days. In America, I believe many will lose their jobs if they dare speak their faith, because it will be deemed offensive to fellow co-workers and could disrupt corporate harmony.

I'm sure Mr. Robertson knows this. God says to take comfort in the persecution because you're doing something right if the world hates or mocks you. He also says those who stand on His word during trying times will be blessed.

His Word is controversial and will become more so as our culture deteriorates.

I will end with this:
John 15:18: "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you."
