Earlier today I was having a “Facebook conversation” with a liberal friend.
trying to civilly explain the root of the argument surrounding the Coca-Cola
Super Bowl commercial and its multicultural message, the liberal friend proceeded to tell
me that she wasn’t talking to me and called me “a bigoted asshole”
who will never accomplish anything in life because of my political and
religious views.
really? First, she’s 20 years old; second, she’s a socialist. I don't really care what she thinks.
What did bother me, however, is that she made
no real effort to persuade me. You see, liberals resort to mockery and name
calling because that is all the ammo they have. Their socialist ideology is empty and offers no real solutions to society's problems. In fact, socialism has destroyed societies throughout
history. They know it. I know it. That's a fact, not hyperbole.
(The back story: she was talking to a friend of mine about something trivial. He mistook “America
the Beautiful” for the National Anthem and she had to “correct” him by pointing
out how stupid he was. Again, instead of addressing the real argument he was making, she had
to belittle this mutual friend in an attempt to make him feel stupid and irrelevant. Knowing this friend, her immature tactics didn't work.)
argument was never about the song. She had to manufacture that argument to stay relevant in the debate as well as to deflect from the point that was actually being made.
It was about immigrants coming to America and, rather than assimilating into the American society, carving out enclaves where they live under the laws and languages of their former countries. My argument was that this breeds perpetual poverty and government dependence because they never really learn how to function in a democratic society.
It was about immigrants coming to America and, rather than assimilating into the American society, carving out enclaves where they live under the laws and languages of their former countries. My argument was that this breeds perpetual poverty and government dependence because they never really learn how to function in a democratic society.
argument was that all Americans should learn these foreign languages and
embrace these cultures and not to do so is somehow bigoted. She also touted that she was in the process of learning French, Arabic and Spanish so that she
could better communicate with immigrants.
Good for
her. Honestly, I think that’s great and it is her choice. But to force Americans
to learn another language so they can communicate, function or get a job in their own country? That
sounds absurd to me.
I pointed out the problems in Europe, particularly in the U.K., regarding “no-go
zones” where Muslim immigrants live under Sharia law enforced by Sharia courts.
Keep in mind that Sharia law runs counter to our laws in the West. The two cannot coexist, regardless of how bad liberals want them to. For
instance, under Sharia, it is permissible for a man to beat his wife if she disobeys him.
The U.K.
police will not even enter these zones because they are so dangerous for
non-Muslims. In May 2013, a British soldier was beheaded by Muslims on a busy London street close to one of these zones. To read more about this incident, click here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/10073910/Woolwich-attack-terrorist-proclaimed-an-eye-for-an-eye-after-attack.html
Is this
the “multiculturalist” utopia that liberals want in America? Evidently so.
I also
mentioned the immigrant issue in Minneapolis, where once great inner-city schools
have lost their accreditation because the students lack the mere basics to
advance on to the college level. Many of the schools comprise mostly Somalian immigrants, most of
whom cannot speak English.
This is
unfortunate for the children graduating from these school districts who will
not even be able to carry on a simple conversation out of high school.
Another valid point would be the city of Dearborn, Mich., and how that city essentially lives under de facto Sharia law. I will leave it to you, the reader, to do your research on that topic.
My argument against multiculturalism: Rather
than promote separate societies within a society, we should be helping these
immigrants assimilate so that they are equipped with the necessary skills to
pursue their American dreams. Naturally, this requires learning English.
If we
promote multiculturalism over assimilation, we will no longer be
the country known as “the melting pot.” We’ll be fractured, divided and weak.
It's also worth mentioning that this liberal friend informed me that the next thing on the progressives' utopian bucket list is . . . free college education for all!
Evidently, she hasn't gotten the memo that nothing in life is free and someone (i.e., the taxpayer) always has to pay up. If this is what they are teaching our kids at public universities then, parents, you should be very worried.
Another statement made by this lovely liberal: "Your political views will never help anyone." Really? Just last week it was reported that conservative Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's policies helped produce a $912 million surplus in his state, money that he is refunding to the Wisconsin taxpayers. Now that's progress.
Evidently, she hasn't gotten the memo that nothing in life is free and someone (i.e., the taxpayer) always has to pay up. If this is what they are teaching our kids at public universities then, parents, you should be very worried.
Another statement made by this lovely liberal: "Your political views will never help anyone." Really? Just last week it was reported that conservative Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's policies helped produce a $912 million surplus in his state, money that he is refunding to the Wisconsin taxpayers. Now that's progress.
I don't know anyone under twenty that understands what bigotry is, much less how to identify it. In the NT I find that casting pearls before the swine is very similar to the OT unauthorized moving of the Ark, where priests had to carry it backwards all the way back to Israel. Another good article and thanks for posting.