Originally written on November 7, 2016
By Amanda Compton
106 to 9.
By Amanda Compton
106 to 9.
This was the final score between good versus bad responses to the Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church's 2016 annual LifeChain, a peaceful hour-long protest for an unborn child's right to life.
Things are known to get a bit dicey if passers-by find themselves offended by the message. But according to my son, Chase, who kept score, conducting his own little focus group -- "the devil got his butt kicked this year."
Held in St. Louis County at the corner of Big Bend and 141 on Sunday, Oct. 30, this year's LifeChain kicked off with a luncheon in the church reception hall. During this time, pro-life speakers debriefed attendees on organizations that advocate for the unborn as well as mothers who choose life and are in need of both monetary and emotional support to raise their babies.
One such organization is ThriVe St. Louis. Through donations and partnerships with other pro-life ministries, ThriVe provides a host of services including free STD testing, ultrasounds and even a 46-week university designed to guide women experiencing unplanned pregnancies. ThriVE Parent University provides these women with needed resources, parenting tools and spiritual and emotional support.
A ThriVe Parent University graduate shared her testimony prior to the Sunday, Oct. 30, sermon and LifeChain. Orphaned at a young age, Faith is a victim of rape, child abuse and extreme poverty.
"I had been abused and rejected by everyone I had become close to," said Faith, who was in a relationship when she learned she was pregnant. "After telling him I was pregnant, he proceeded to tell me that he was getting married in a month. He told me I was cheap and that he wanted nothing to do with neither me nor the baby."
ThriVe speaker and marketing consultant, Michaela Rodriguez, is also a graduate of ThriVe Parent University. "I made some amazing friends in this program, and we're still friends to this day. We are all happily married with children," said Rodriguez, an entrepreneur who recently left her successful cake decorating business to work for ThriVe.
In fact, October 30 was one of her first speaking engagements. Rodriguez spoke about ThriVe's mobile medical units, which set up across from Planned Parenthood clinics and college campuses throughout the state of Missouri, Texas and even in the country of Uganda.
Michaela Rodriguez sharing a photo of her Thrive friends with their families |
The purpose of these mobile clinics, she explained, is to offer an alternative to Planned Parenthood by providing free ultrasounds, STD testing and, if one chooses, prayer and Biblical counseling. Volunteers from counseling and nursing backgrounds staff the mobile units.
Rodriguez went on to point out that STD testing costs $99 at Planned Parenthood, the one and only abortion provider left in St. Louis. She also noted that in 2016 through ThriVe, 1,652 babies were rescued from abortion and 63 women came to Christ, all while operating under budget.
"Last week, one of our mobile teams set up across from a college campus in the St. Louis area. They had to call to ask me to bring them more supplies," said Rodriguez. "When I got there the line was all the way down the street!"
"After we conquer abortion in Missouri and America, we're not done," stated Michaela boldly.
The LifeChain wrapped up on the front steps of Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church, where the lead pastor exhorted his flock to be bold in speaking truth to a culture who has believed a lie.
More 2016 LifeChain Photos
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